Student Organizations: Use of Alcohol

This policy is intended both to comply with the University policy and to promote the status of the Law School as an academic and professional center. Given the primary educational functions of the Law School, alcohol will not be served at student social or entertainment events that are unrelated to the school's educational and public service missions. On the other hand, just as alcohol is served at a limited number of educational and service events directed at alumni, students may ask permission to serve alcohol at student events but only pursuant to the following policy:

  1. Alcohol may not be served at extracurricular events unless expressly approved by the Dean of Students.
  2. Alcohol may not be sold under any circumstances at the Law School.
  3. Law School student organizations, their officers and members assume sole responsibility for understanding and complying with applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regarding the purchase, possession, distribution and consumption of alcohol at their events on and off campus.
  4. Law School student organizations may use activity fees to purchase alcohol.
  5. Law School student organizations may serve alcohol at on campus events, provided they use bartenders from University Catering, who shall be the only persons authorized to access and dispense alcohol. Alcohol may not be sold at any event. Alternative beverages and snacks of adequate quantity must be served and displayed in clear view.
  6. In any event where alcohol is served, an official host must be designated by the sponsoring organization. The host must be an officer of the organization, be present at the entire function, and he/she will be responsible for compliance with the Alcohol Policy and Pennsylvania Laws relating to alcoholic beverages.
  7. Law School student organizations may purchase and serve alcohol at off campus events provided the alcohol is served by a licensed vendor who accepts full responsibility for compliance to the applicable laws.
  8. Law School student organizations may not mention the availability of alcohol at an event by advertising, invitation, announcements, or other forms of promotion.
  9. Law School student organizations may not solicit or receive free alcohol from any source.
  10. Law School students and student organizations are prohibited from storing or consuming alcohol in assigned office space or public areas of the University.
  11. Organizational violations of this policy will be adjudicated by the Office of Student Activities and may result in University sanctions, including revocation of certification. Individual students are subject to disciplinary proceedings and sanctions through the University Student Judicial System. In addition should the Law School Administration determine that there has been a violation, that violation will result in Law School sanctions, including revocation of certification and loss of eligibility to serve alcohol at future events.