Civil Procedure

Course Catalog Number:
Course Credits:
Course Type:
Course Priority:
General Enrollment Course
Course Category:
First-Year Courses - Enrollment is limited to first-year students
Full Year Course:

Course Description

Civil Procedure—the “rules” part of the required, first-year Legal Process and Civil Procedure sequence—covers various topics that arise in the pre- and post-trial stages of civil litigation. We will focus on federal procedural statutes and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which have served as models for procedural rules in many other jurisdictions. The course will cover:
the documents (pleadings and related motions) by which litigation is initiated, defined, and sometimes disposed of
Joinder of claims and parties – and – supplemental jurisdiction
how litigation may be structured when it involves multiple claims and parties and the extent of federal courts’ power to hear particular claims in the litigation as structured;
Pre-trial discovery
the means by which parties obtain information prior to trial;
Summary judgment
disposition of issues or claims through a final judgment on the merits without trial
Preclusive Effects of Judgments
limitations on the parties’ ability to re-litigate matters that have been decided in a prior action.