The Laws of Intimacy

Course Catalog Number:
Course Credits:
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Course Priority:
General Enrollment Course
Full Year Course:

Course Description

So much throughout the history of our nation, federal, state and local governments have attempted in various ways to regulate our society’s most intimate relationships and decisions.  Challenges to laws regulating marriage, sexual conduct, reproduction, health and other very personal decisions permeate our country’s jurisprudence.  These “laws of intimacy,” provide a historical window through which one can view the evolution of some of America’s greatest and most enduring societal and civil rights conflicts.
This course will provide students with an overview of the history underlying various “laws of intimacy” and the legal principles that have come to shape the debates concerning these issues.  Students will apply these legal principles in their own analyses of continued efforts to regulate the most personal of human behaviors and decision-making.his course will provide students with an overview of the history underlying various “laws of intimacy” and the legal principles that have come to shape the debates concerning these issues.  Students will apply these legal principles in their own analyses of continued efforts to regulate the most personal of human behaviors and decision-making.

Course Offerings 2024-2025

Term Class #
Spring Term 2024-2025


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Course Offerings 2023-2024

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Spring Term 2023-2024


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Course Offerings 2022-2023

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Spring Term 2022-2023


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