Grading Policies

Grade Changes

Once a faculty member submits final grades for a course to the Registrar, the faculty member may not submit a grade change unless a mathematical error was made in determining the original grade. Any grade changes made under this policy must also conform to the requirements of the University of Pittsburgh Policy 09-01-04.

Grade Reports

Grade reports are available as soon as they are entered and verified in PeopleSoft and will be posted on MyPitt. A student questioning any entry on his/her grade report should immediately report the suspected problem to the Law School Registrar's Office. 

Grading Guidelines

(Adopted by the Faculty 11/87; Last Revised April 7, 2022)

  • Limited enrollment courses are clinics, seminars, the first-year Legal Analysis and Writing course, and all courses in which the Dean has permitted an enrollment limit.
  • Large courses are all courses taught by full-time faculty members, not limited enrollment courses, and all courses taught by adjunct faculty members with an enrollment of at least 15 students.
  • Full-time faculty members teaching first-year large courses and adjunct faculty members teaching large courses must utilize a mean grade of 3.1 to 3.2.
  • Full-time faculty members teaching large upper-level courses are encouraged to utilize a mean grade of 3.1 to 3.2.
  • Full-time faculty members teaching limited enrollment courses and adjunct faculty members teaching courses with 14 or fewer students are encouraged to utilize a median “B+” grade.
  • Faculty members teaching seminars and clinics may elect whether to grade the course on the current letter grade basis (in which case the B+ median guideline would apply) or on an Honors/Pass/Fail basis. For those electing the Honors/Pass/Fail option, a guideline of approximately 33% of Honors grades is recommended.

Full-time and adjunct faculty members teaching 1L courses and upper-level courses taught in multiple sections are encouraged to consult to ensure that grades and grade distribution are reasonably uniform in courses in the same subject taught in the same semester