Pitt Legal Services Incubator

The Pitt Legal Services Incubator Program (PLSI) helps graduates develop financially sustainable solo or small firm practices. PLSI imposes no conditions on the practice areas or communities the lawyers serve and offers up to two years of participation. Each PLSI attorney must pay an annual $100 license fee for the office space and amenities.  

Four to six Pitt Law graduates can join the program each year. PLSI provides secure office space in the Barco Law Building, access to in-person, hybrid, or virtual meetings, and remote court attendance rooms. PLSI facilitates connections with attorney mentors in relevant and substantive law areas and provides access to advice on law practice management. PLSI offers other amenities, including electronic legal research and case management software.   

PLSI accepts applications from October through December, and the program starts in January. For more information, please contact Program Director Amy Coco.


The Pitt Legal Services Incubator program is open to all Pitt Law graduates and alumni admitted to practice law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

For more information, please contact Program Director Amy Coco.

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