Prepare Your Laptop

Software Requirements

All students should be participating in the Pitt Law One-to-One Program. This ensures that you have a laptop that is compliant with ExamSoft requirements. Anyone who opted out of this program will need to ensure that their Windows or Mac computer meets the requirements listed below. The Law School does not provide PC's for taking exams outside of the One-to-One program.

Computer Requirements for Apple Devices: Supports MacOS 12 (Monterey), MacOS 13 (Ventura), or MacOS 14 (Sonoma). (Pitt Law does not support the use of iPads.)

Computer Requirements for Windows Devices: Supports Windows 10 22H2, Windows 11 21H2, or Windows 11 22H2.

No Virtual Machines, Linux or Chromebooks

You are responsible to make sure the laptop has a fully charged battery and a functional power cord. Examplify runs best when the anti-virus is turned off during the exam. You are responsible for finding out how to do this prior to exam day.

Prepare Your Laptop

It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with your equipment and the Examplify software and instructions provided by Examsoft on its website prior to the start of your exam. Please allow yourself sufficient time to become familiar with your laptop and the application.

You should familiarize yourself with your laptop and Examplify’s features prior to the exam day. Exam takers who are not comfortable with the software before exam day may want to consider handwriting their exam. Follow these tips:

  • Update your Operating System (be careful to stay within the minimum requirements above).
  • Ensure that your laptop is virus-free.
  • Locate the A/C battery power indicator light on your laptop and confirm you can determine you are running on A/C power (i.e. power from a wall outlet).
  • Ensure that your battery has at least 20 minutes of charge in the event there is a temporary power outage during the exam.
  • Ensure that your computer’s internal clock has the correct date and time. To verify the date and time, double-click the clock in the lower-right corner of your screen.
  • Please unplug your second (and any other additional) monitors before launching Examplify. This is especially the case if you have two screens with different resolutions. ExamSoft may not display properly.
  • Take the Mock Exam (using mock123 as the password and 1234 as the Exam ID) to familiarize yourself with the software. You can take this exam multiple times.
  • Watch the video on the software download page after logging in or on YouTube.

At any time, if you need assistance, please contact the IT Dept. and the Registrar’s Office immediately! Do not contact your professor(s).


Before Exam Day

  1. Watch the appropriate training video for your platform.
  2. Sign the Exam Software Training Statement if you have not done so.
  3. Click log on at ExamSoft under the Exam Takers.
  4. You will be redirected to the Pitt Passport page.  Log on if you are not already authenticated to the Pitt Passport.
  5. What type of exam are you taking?
    • Secure (in-class or remote) exam: proceed to step 6.
    • Take-home exams: please go to the Courses tab along the top beside the ExamSoft icon; then, go to Assignment Drop Box to download the exam file. (You may skip the other steps.)
  6. Accept the agreement.
  7. Automatically, your computer will download the Examplify software.
  8. Find the installer in your Downloads folder and install the software.
  9. Download the exam files.
  10. Take the mock exam using the password mock123.
    (Note:  Exam Number is your Exam ID provided by the Registrar office.  You may use any number for the mock exam.)

Instructions for Installing Examplify and Confirming Device Compatibility

On Exam Day

  • Make sure your laptop is fully charged and the power cord is plugged in.
  • Disable your antivirus.
  • Disable the sleep/hibernate mode on your computer during the exam. Some computers go into sleep/hibernate mode during extended periods of non-use. During an exam, it can be difficult to exit this mode. Refer to the instructions for your operating system to modify these settings.
  • Use the instructions provided to you either in the room on exam day (in-class exams) or via email (remote exams) to launch Examplify.
  • In-Class Exams:  Immediately before Examplify launches the exam, you will be provided a warning screen with RED STOP SIGNS indicating that you should not begin the exam until instructed to do so. Heed this warning.
  • In-Class Exams:  If you encounter computer difficulty during the exam notify a proctor for instructions.
  • Take-Home Exams:  Notify and

Other Important Exam Information